The Treasures of Tomorrow is an annual quilt show hosted by the Piecemakers of Central Wisconsin Quilt Guild.
The Treasures of Tomorrow is an annual quilt show hosted by the Piecemakers of Central Wisconsin Quilt Guild.
Activities and Projects of the Guild
Charity quilts are provided for disaster relief such as house fires and floods. Our quilts are often requested for donations for community good works such as Fun de Arts, Soup or Socks, Hope Lodge, Hannah House, neo-natal and peds quilts for Marshfield Medical Center, lap robes for nursing homes and respite care centers, Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, Shirley's House of Hope, House of the Dove and military families.
Quilting workshops and classes are held in which we invite knowledgeable quilting teachers to present and teach quilting techniques.
Treasurers of Tomorrow Quilt Show is our yearly quilt show held the last Friday and Saturday of October.
A raffle quilt is jointly made every year as a guild project to help fund our many projects.
Other activities include mystery quilt challenges, sleep-overs, ugly fat quarter challenges, member rummage sales, show and tells, production quilts, round robin quilts, kids' summer quilt camp and many more.